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2014-10-24 [Figgy]: We be streamin
2014-10-25 [Figgy]: Gon' stream
2014-10-25 [ancienteye]: Woot~! XD
2014-10-25 [Figgy]: Guys, only for ETers tonight:
Taking sketch requests, preferably of XMRP or WoW chars, clean, smut, or otherwise :)
2014-10-25 [twitchboy]: justin smut? no wait lexi smut
2014-10-25 [twitchboy]: i mean hyper sexualized alexis smut... god i almost seemed like a pedo there
2014-10-25 [Lirerial]: Can I get a sexy Daiyu?
2014-10-25 [Figgy]: Still going, guys! Get em in if you want em!
2014-10-25 [CuteCommander]: Smut Caliban being coy!
2014-10-25 [~Valkyrie~]: We all agreed that Caliban and Tory would make a cute couple. :p
2014-10-25 [Figgy]: oh god XD my attempt at a muscular man might not come off so well.
2014-10-25 [CuteCommander]: Chibi him up :P
2014-10-25 [Nikolai-Akaykam itana]: how bout Nik in his casual clothes?
2014-10-25 [Synirria]: Damn, that's what I get for raiding... I miss out on it lol
2014-10-25 [Flisky]: This is what I get for being in a different time zone. :/
2014-10-26 [CuteCommander]: "Caliban -san, why are you so tsundere? XxXxX" OR make it a gay scene :P
2014-11-02 [Figgy]: Gonna stop using this page to announce streams unless they pertain to you guys or RP stuffs. Look for updates on my diary instead.
2014-11-02 [ancienteye]: M'kay. :P
2014-11-11 [Figgy]: Dur says Mako Mankanshoku's theme from Kill la Kill for Daniela XD https://www.yo
I voted Harime Nui's theme for Nora. https://www.yo
2014-11-11 [ancienteye]: I am without working earbuds at the moment and unable to participate until my new ones arrive Thursday. 3: But I really, really want to go look up themes, now...
2014-11-11 [Figgy]: Aww, don't have speakers on your computer?
2014-11-11 [ancienteye]: I do, but my mom is watching her shows in the same room that I'm in and this time of year we mostly huddle in the one room with good insulation /and/ a heater. Just a few minutes ago I was in my room taking a test and I planned to muck around and listen to music while mom's Judge Judy is on, but when I couldn't feel my toes anymore, I decided to just finish my test and head back.
2014-11-11 [ancienteye]: My other option is to take my laptop into the bathroom. Which is way too small for me to be comfortable with that as an option.
2014-11-11 [Figgy]: Blankets O.o
2014-11-11 [ancienteye]: My bed is pressed up against the north wall of the house (aka: the wall with zero insulation). I've given up sleeping in there in the winter because my head and arms end up freezing. There aren't many other seating options since I'm a pack-rat. XD
2014-11-11 [Figgy]: XD Get like.. a heated blanket or something XD
2014-11-11 [ancienteye]: XD My earbuds will get here faster.
2014-11-13 [CuteCommander]: Hmmm I think Caliban would possibly have like the laser reactor battle track from Star Wars Episode I as his theme. Faro would possibly have Twilight by ELO, as used for the opening of the Daicon 4th Convention. With Shawn it definitely has to be the first series opening for Bleach by Orange Range ^_^ Devlin? Uuiuhhh dunno :P Any suggestions?
2014-11-13 [CuteCommander]: I agree with Dur's suggestion for Dani's theme ^_^ Won't be able to see her without Mako's crazy speech moments now!
2014-11-14 [ancienteye]: Got m'headphones! XD *listening to the themes, now*
2014-11-16 [~Valkyrie~]: Any ideas for Arya or Kiora? 'Cause I'm at a loss. :p
2014-11-17 [Figgy]: Something from Boondock Saints for Kiora, probably xD
2014-11-17 [~Valkyrie~]: lol, That would fit rather well I think...I should probably watch it again.
2014-11-17 [Nikolai-Akaykam itana]: hm, any ideas for nik?
2014-11-17 [Figgy]: I don't really know Nik that well :O Afraid I can't give much advice.
2014-11-17 [ancienteye]: ...I suck at choosing music /as/ music and not lyrics. :/
2014-11-17 [Nikolai-Akaykam itana]: i thought youd say that
2014-12-02 [Flisky]: I'm bad with choosing music. But guilty pleasures...
Atsila - burning things. As if that wasn't obvious. He likes starting things on fire when no one is around.
Addy - although this hasn't come into game yet, she likes bamfing into places where she isn't supposed to be...naked. Because she doesn't like the restrictions of clothing and knows she isn't supposed to.
Rook - secretly pretends he's in an anime or video game. Because real life is often boring. And the other students are sometimes side characters.
Tory - has no real guilty pleasures. She's the only complete innocent in the group. :P
2014-12-02 [Figgy]: I have to think about mine, tbh ._.
2014-12-02 [ancienteye]: Coral: Mojitos and gossip. She's actually a bit of a mean drunk, so there's almost more guilt than pleasure in it. XD
Imma have to think about Gavin and Sage, though. :/ I'm still figuring Sage out and Gavin doesn't feel guilty about much...
2014-12-02 [Figgy]: Gavin: Hates stuffed animals but is somehow into furry porn.
2014-12-02 [ancienteye]: No. He'd have no problem with Kiora or Addy, then. XD
Well...The knife thing would still be a problem, but beside that. :P
But porn is a good direction... *mulling over what fetish/genre would make a good guilty pleasure*
2014-12-02 [Flisky]: *cough*Yaoi*co
2014-12-02 [Ms. Steel]: Kyle's guilty pleasure would be cute kitten videos on the interwebs.
2014-12-02 [ancienteye]: XD Maybe this?
Gavin: Into hetero porn, Yaoi porn /and/ Yuri porn. Also tries S&M porn on occasion, but beyond a certain point it freaks him out as much as furry-ness does.
2014-12-02 [twitchboy]: Mark: mindless video games that he synchs with for lagless play. Its so good to pwn the simple idiots in mmos. Gives him a power trip
Alexis: Smut books
2014-12-02 [ancienteye]: ...Nevermind. :3 Just the porn thing. Not the computer thing. *deletes the old comment to avoid clutter*
2014-12-02 [Flisky]: Mark - still trying to beat the kid with the username 'CorpseCarrion
2014-12-02 [ancienteye]: XD Is CorpseCarrion Rook?
2014-12-02 [twitchboy]: Mark- "Fuck this guy" Hacks Blizzard servers and sells Corpses gear
2014-12-02 [Flisky]: Yes. And that sounds about right. Next morning he shows up again with all his stuff back. Rook - "My dad knows the guy who runs the server."
2014-12-02 [twitchboy]: Oh hes that guy. "My dad works at Nintendo and he said that if you use strength on the truck near the SS ann theres a mew under it"
2014-12-02 [Flisky]: Rook's dad is rich. But no, Rook would never stoop to cheating at games. He has too much honor. He attended the release parties and got his free Mew the honest way.
2014-12-02 [twitchboy]: Mark challenges Rook!
Rooks superior reflexes stand no chance against Mark due to Rooks plebeian brain. He cannot defeat that which has thought ten strategies ahead. Mwuhahaha how can you kill that which have no life?
He is limited by the frailties of the human body, immersive technology is the next frontier my dear Rook.
2014-12-02 [Flisky]: ....plebeian? Rook? And killing that which has no life is as simple as removing the pretext of life from it. ;D
Rook and Mark would be the best of opponents and the worst of teams if they ever teamed up. Could you imagine? They would decimate everyone.
2014-12-02 [twitchboy]: "The how can you kill..." Line was a reference to the WoW episode of South park. The pK who hadnt logged out in more than a year and never died.
Lol reflex ninja and cyborg mutant arena team. They would be nerfed, either that or have the biggest bounty known in the virtual worlds on their heads.
Mark: "Oh hey rook this new game called sword art online launches tomorrow wanna try it out?"
Rook: "Sure"
Newscaster: Two weeks later. "In other news, the VRMMO SAO that trapped hundreds of people in the game with the threat of actual death was defeated yesterday. There were only two survivors. Data logs show there wasnt a single player, npc, mob, or boss left alive in game.... wait did they just commit genocide?"
2014-12-02 [Evolution X]: Anthony's guilty pleasure is feeding terribly strong flavoured food to other people. Totally not based off of me >_>
2014-12-02 [Flisky]: Twitch - ah. I don't watch Southpark. :P
Rook: "Well, that was fun. Any more games launching next week?"
Evo - Yeah. Totally not based off of you. At all. XP
2014-12-02 [twitchboy]: Justin: "You realize you two just killed like... hundreds of people right?"
Mark: "Yeah, it was a bit of a waste. They didnt give alot of exp."
2014-12-02 [CuteCommander]: Devlin - The Hills, Britney Spears, and romcoms.
Shawn - Smoking. Deeper secret pleasures include the smell of feet.
Faro - Mummy/baby play (kinky style)
2014-12-02 [Figgy]: Oh no Shawn is gross XD
2014-12-02 [CuteCommander]: Caliban... Well, let's just say he's no stranger to geisha makeup
2014-12-02 [~Valkyrie~]: Oooh, I'll have to think on that one... :)
2014-12-02 [Ms. Steel]: Devlin is a seventh-grade girl from 1998?
2014-12-02 [twitchboy]: Justin: Closet Otaku and hentai(oh my the tentacles)
2014-12-02 [twitchboy]: Caliban... a geisha.... i dont... what.... CC pass the brain bleach please
2014-12-02 [Figgy]: Wait, so does Caliban cross dress as a Geisha, or do Geishas.. uh... excite him?..... or is it both? XD
2014-12-03 [Figgy]: Okay so... mine are gonna be long XD
Light's biggest guilty pleasure is that, despite her tendency to resist authority, she secretly enjoys being dominated in the bedroom >_>
She also enjoys thunderstorms because the lightning makes her feel all tingly, and growing up she was a huge fan of Sailor Moon and still harbors a little love for it, esp. Jupiter.
Shana's guilty pleasure is that she can't stay away from sweets. She tries to eat healthy, but the Caramello and Starburst candies always drag her in. She also REALLY enjoys dressing Dani up, for some reason.
Casper... he doesn't really feel guilty about his pastimes, but he does like to change into other people with his own clothes on just to see how they'll fit.
René is probably the most cliché... he enjoys hot baths after a day out in the wilds, running around in mud or hunting - it calms his senses and practically puts him to sleep. He also occasionally finds himself glued to the TV when either Jersey Shore or Family Feud comes on. Sometimes he catches a rerun of Grey's Anatomy.
Yeah ._.
2014-12-03 [The Black Goat]: Sasaiya - listening in on other peoples conversations when in dog form, but only if they don't know about her, and basking in the sun.
Nadine - Dancing inappropriatel
Vincent - Housework. He'd never admit to enjoying it (and in fact will bitch about doing it) but he secretly finds it relaxing.
Isabelle - Trashy romance novels and poorly written fanfiction online. She would kill anyone who caught her reading that crap.
2014-12-03 [CuteCommander]: Devlin is indeed a 12 year old 90s girl, Shawn is indeed a little gross (he is desperate to lick Nadine's soles) and Caliban likes dressing as a geisha and doing traditional dancing :P
2014-12-03 [The Black Goat]: XDXDXD
Nadine would kick him in the face if he ever tried, then break up with him again for reals this time
2014-12-03 [Lirerial]: Oh I love this question! Rage's guilty pleasures would be.... Chilli dogs and chilli cheese fries or a huge chilli smothered cheese burger and baseball games. She tries to sneak out to a major league game at least once a year and stuffs her face with as much junk food as possible.
2014-12-03 [~Valkyrie~]: Oh my gods! Rene is my friend Jared!
2014-12-03 [Lirerial]: As for Lire.... She looooves romantic comedies and reads a lot of romance novels. To here there is nothing better than curling up alone in her apartment with the tv on or a good book. She also has a kinky side she likes pain and causing it in the bedroom :)
2014-12-03 [twitchboy]: CC... are we talking just dirty talk with faro or like the full on diaper and nursing roleplay kind of thing? Urban dictionary has ruined my idea of fetishes...
2014-12-03 [Figgy]: Hahahaha wtf you guys
2014-12-03 [twitchboy]: Figgs... these things exist. To much time on UD has made me aware. Apparently there are even escort services for specific fetishes. I think there was even a SCI episode in the references.
There was also a cracked article that ranked roleplay of forced romantic relations by extra terrestrials in the top 100 common ones.
2014-12-03 [twitchboy]: The world of the sexual mind is a very interesting, confusing, terrifying thing.
2014-12-04 [Figgy]: You're talking to a girl who draws fetish commissions for people :P
2014-12-04 [twitchboy]: Touche figgy touche
2014-12-04 [The Black Goat]: Yeah I stopped being surprised by the fetishes people have after too much time on seedy internet forums XD
2014-12-04 [~Valkyrie~]: I had a friend in college who bragged about his porn stash and he's into some weird shit...I'm sure he would Love everything Figgy has drawn. The innocent little Christian girl lost her innocence fast. After spending so much time around the Matt nobody else has ever made me need mind bleach.
2014-12-04 [~Valkyrie~]: Ok, I finally figured out my character's guilty pleasures.
For Kiora, it would be clothes shopping. Not that it's a surprise with the way she dresses, but she gets this giddy pleasure out of trying on and buying nice clothes.
For Arya, it's the fact that under the party birl act, she's actually very intelligent. In fact, though she'd tell anyone who asked that she was majoring in Liberal Arts because it's the easiest major, she was actually a psychology major. My eventual goal is to get her to mature a bit and have her end up teaching a speech class and maybe a psychology class.
2014-12-04 [Flisky]: Have her talk to Tory. She's a psych major.
2014-12-04 [~Valkyrie~]: Cool
2014-12-05 [CuteCommander]: Twitch, Faro's fetish goes far beyond just the diaper wearing :P
2014-12-05 [twitchboy]: well then thats food for thought
2014-12-05 [ancienteye]: I recall once reading something in my high school psych class about an example that was listed along the "Pavlov's Dogs" story. Apparently there was a guy who's first girlfriend /loved/ onions so whenever they kissed, he tasted onions. It got to the point where he'd be aroused whenever he smelled onions.
2014-12-06 [~Valkyrie~]: o.O
2014-12-10 [ancienteye]: ...Is there a page where we can see all the inktober stuffs?
2014-12-10 [Figgy]: I never uploaded the rest :> They should be up a few comments though XD
2014-12-10 [ancienteye]: XD Ok.
2015-01-25 [ancienteye]: I /really/ think the power-swap thing oughta happen. It sounds even more fun than the sneaking-into-
2015-01-26 [CuteCommander]: Well, there's still the Caliban mission to do and I'm sure he'll make things round the mansion interesting :P and also the secret we talked about
2015-01-26 [Ms. Steel]: My comment disappeared :*************
2015-01-26 [Ms. Steel]: Guess I'll try to remember everything I typed...
1. Shorter days? So many characters get stymied in what the heck to do because the length of the in-day games are so long. It's like... sometimes I set out to do something with a certain character, get that done, and then weeks of nothingness (that that stuff with Coral and Kyle was fun! But it took place back in May. Actual, factual May, not in-game May, so like 9 months ago. I could have had a baby since the time that that happened).
Maybe put a cap on the length of an in-game day? Shoot for a date? When I have been working on a project or an assignment, but haven't been given a due date, I procrastinate the hell out of it, so maybe it'll get people thinking in that mind set (a lofty goal ahahaha).
2. Nothing takes the love of the game out of my sails faster than dinky posts. I think *some* of this can me remedied by discussions between the players before hand as to how their characters are going to interact (like I almost always do it with Halo or Kyle because, while I think playing them is fun, not everyone's going to think that sort of interaction is entertaining). There's a reason why I harass ask about 'getting to know you' stuff on the X-men Pottage.
Because, overall, a person gets out of the game what she or he puts into it... sometimes that's time, sometimes it's brainstorming and creativity, sometimes its being taken out of your or your character's comfort zone.
ANYwho, that's my two cents. :-D (disclaimer: none of this is meant to call any one person out, BTW, so please no one take anything personally!)
2015-01-26 [Lirerial]: I'm gonna agree with [Ms. Steel] on the shorter days thing... Its been a looong time.
2015-01-26 [Lirerial]: I do still like the idea of the power swap and the caliban mission. I'm also eagerly waiting to see René's reaction to what Sai is telling him. We can easily turn that into one huge drama filled spin. Another thing that had been discussed in the plottage page was Kiora's old master and Lire's possesive exboss teaming up in their pursuit of them. I think that may be a good idea and could involve the whole school
2015-01-27 [The Past]: The shorter days was something I've been thinking has been needed for a long time now. If people want to keep playing out a scene it can be moved to another page, but the days do drag.
2015-01-27 [Figgy]: Lire, the Caliban mission is on its way to happen :P we just need people to post.
Although I agree that the in-game days need to be shorter, my biggest problem with that is that we have major dry spells sometime when people are busy, and I'm afraid that instilling a deadline for posts can really screw up some players' plans, even if they could still move it to a side page. It would be a little unfair to make a player move their plot to a side page that we can't force people to watch, you know? Regardless, I'll try to come up with a system that lets the days move by quicker.
Power-swap can still happen. I want it to happen. I'll think about this one too.
Steel, I like the idea of discussing more in-depth about characters. That's kind of why I've been putting those questions up in the announcements page, but I guess I ought to pick more interesting ones XD
As far as plots specifically involving certain characters, I can't guarantee they'll involve the entire mansion. That's really up to the players if they want their characters involved. For example, someone could overhear all the drama with Sai and Lire, but the player might choose to have them roll their eyes and ignore them, you know?
Other than that, Dure and I say a lot that you can bring plot ideas to us if you think they'll be good for many of the characters. If you have plots of your own that involved only a few characters and the players are okay with it, you guys have the freedom to make stuff happen. If you're unsure, again, you can bring the idea to me or ask if it would be okay.
2015-01-27 [Figgy]: But yeah, give me a couple days and I'll try to get stuff moving again. It might take a complete overhaul or a day change, but I'll figure it out. I'll try to do the limited-time days, as well.
2015-01-28 [~Valkyrie~]: Looks like I missed the bulk of the conversation. I pretty much second most of what was said above.
2015-01-28 [twitchboy]: i still want the lexi thing to happen, anyone for a side page?
2015-01-29 [~Valkyrie~]: What exactly were you thinking about doing on this side page, Twitch?
2015-01-29 [twitchboy]: introducing the third and buried psych of Lexi since she is now drunk. It will be... interesting
2015-02-01 [twitchboy]: anyone in?
2015-02-01 [Figgy]: If anyone wants to do anything with my characters, just let me know. Leaving most of them stashed for now until I get into a good routine with my new job.
2015-02-01 [Figgy]: Twitch, why not just bring her out on the main pages instead of a side page? Not sure if anyone will sign up for a side page if they don't know what they're getting into. And side pages tend to die frequently.
2015-02-01 [twitchboy]: ok i just have to figure out where to set it up
2015-02-01 [twitchboy]: so maybe the main hallway?
2015-02-01 [Figgy]: Just... wherever you feel like it?
2015-02-02 [The Past]: So we going to have the mission taking place on an off page? Since we've done a time jump, I plan to go ahead with what we had talked about Figgy with Flame leaving, but feel I need Shana around so I can hold it off until times are less chaotic for you.
2015-02-02 [Figgy]: Uhmm, the mission is at X-Men The Capture. I'm not sure I remember what we talked about XD but I can have Shana around, sure. I'm not like, dying for time to post. Just busy.
2015-02-02 [The Past]: Ah, was looking at the wrong page, couldn't find it on the Start X-Men page :B
2015-02-09 [twitchboy]: Drunk lexi shit be going down in center first
2015-02-13 [~Valkyrie~]: I'm gonna try to catch up tonight since the internet is actually working, instead of dropping out from under me every ten minutes.
2015-04-23 [Figgy]: So apparently the date thing isn't working. Help me out here, guys.
2015-04-24 [Flisky]: What?
2015-04-24 [Ms. Steel]: Wrapping the current scenarios up by the date above.
2015-04-24 [Flisky]: I haven't been posting because finals are coming up in two weeks and I'm using every moment either talking to Evo or studying. Sometimes both.......mos
2015-04-24 [Figgy]: It's everyone, though.
2015-04-24 [Figgy]: Point is, the deadline thing isn't working out, so I need some input from you guys on what I need to do.
Very seriously thinking about a hiatus until August for several reasons.
2015-04-24 [~Valkyrie~]: Maybe instead of a hiatus, you could just kind of let it go at the pace it is until August. With Asdroth's current work schedule, he's finding it hard to get online except on weekends which are busy for us for other reasons. But I know he and I would both like to continue what's going on with CC in the Danger Room. It seems like most everybody is going at a really slow pace, so maybe it would be ok to leave it be until you can get back on top of things.
2015-04-24 [Ms. Steel]: If I were able to post, I would be, but that's not really how it works, unfortunately, so I agree with Valkyrie. Just let things play-out until it's evident people can post regularly again.
2015-04-24 [CuteCommander]: Yeah, I had a holiday and am back now but know that life throws spanners in the works for other people too
2015-04-24 [twitchboy]: im finally free to post now
2015-04-25 [Lirerial]: I have Lite stashed because I wasn't sure what else to do with her. If anyone wants to do anything I can bring her out still drunk. Figgy, any ideas of her and Rene?
2015-04-25 [Figgy]: Uhmm, Rene is currently hanging out with Sasaiya and Justin, but not one else is there. She could always stumble down, drunk, and try to cause drama?
2015-04-25 [Lirerial]: I could do that. :3
2015-04-28 [The Black Goat]: oh boy XD
2015-06-02 [~Valkyrie~]: You know what...I think that might be a fun idea.
2015-06-02 [Figgy]: Also, if we do that and it doesn't work out to the best of everyone's interest, we could always go back to the original time \o/
2015-06-02 [The Black Goat]: A few years is so far off though :O
2015-06-02 [Ms. Steel]: I am not averse to the idea of a more sizeable jump. I don't have any huge plots in the works, but I would probably cut at least one, if not two, of my characters, since it's unlikely they'd have stuck around for that long. 'Cause I'd still like to have a character or two who's kinda still discovering stuff about their powers...
2015-06-02 [Figgy]: I don't think reducing the number of characters is a bad idea, at this point, considering almost everyone has half of theirs stashed somewhere.
2015-06-02 [ancienteye]: Side pages could be used for any plots that are on-going or anything that people want to rp during the skip. :P
But I'm not sure what to do with Sage... >__> I could see Coral and Gavin sticking around and developing for that long, but Sage is still so unfamiliar to me. I'd have to either cut him or have his arrival time change to the time of the skip.
2015-06-03 [Ms. Steel]: Meh, just no more asshole characters. :-I
2015-06-03 [ancienteye]: Sorry. Gavin's staying. XD
2015-06-03 [Figgy]: I could also make a side RP, something akin to EoD, if people would prefer that.
I just need some feedback on what sounds more appealing :>
2015-06-03 [twitchboy]: a side rp for a time skip sounds good. I mean jumping the entire full plot ahead as is sounds a bit big. I mean justin probably will be the same knuckle head as always, but i wantd alot more development for lexis story. ..... and well mark is an asshole
2015-06-03 [ancienteye]: I'm fine either way with the Zhou's. :P But if we play years from now and what's happening now at the same time, I have no clue how Sage will progress. :/
2015-06-03 [The Black Goat]: there was a few things I'd have really liked to play out, but if the majority wants a time skip I won't complain
2015-06-03 [Ms. Steel]: Hehe, the asshole character comment was for me and me alone, m'dears. ;-)
Maybe we should do a poll? And have various amounts of time periods listed for the options (and a 'no' option, of course)?
(And, as it is easy to suggest things and expect other people to put them into practice, I would volunteer to make the poll if you think it's a decent idea, Figgy.)
2015-06-03 [The Black Goat]: I agree with that, like a six month, twelves months, 24 months type thing?
2015-06-03 [ancienteye]: Don't forget the multi-year options. :o
2015-06-03 [The Black Goat]: 24 months is two years lol
2015-06-03 [ancienteye]: ...Oh, yeah...
2015-06-03 [Figgy]: I can make the poll tomorrow :> unless you would rather, Steel
2015-06-04 [Ms. Steel]: Don't make no bit of difference, just didn't want to put extra work on yer plate :-)
2015-06-04 [CuteCommander]: I don't mind skipping ahead further, I think there would have to be a bit of time before it restarted for players to work out how their characters may have developed and interacted with each other
2015-06-04 [The Black Goat]: I'd like to finish the party, is that an option? maybe a slight skip like before so that the people actually going to said party will be at the party to finish of the night?
2015-06-04 [Ms. Steel]: <poll:77489>
2015-08-14 [~Valkyrie~]: I am and I believe Asdroth is as well.
2015-08-15 [Flisky]: I'm in. Just...a lot has happened and college and I got stuck. I do apologize for that. Kind of left some people hanging.
2015-08-15 [Figgy]: No worries, a lot of people have had a ton going on.
2015-08-15 [Figgy]: Also, if anyone wants to take a time out and come back later, I'm cool with that.
2015-08-15 [ancienteye]: I'll stay! :o
2015-08-15 [Ms. Steel]: I'm here and junk.
2015-08-15 [Asdroth]: I'm still in miss. Figgy ma'am
2015-08-16 [twitchboy]: im here
2015-08-16 [Evolution X]: I'm here I've just not really... felt like I've had anything to post
2015-08-18 [CuteCommander]: I'm still here!
2015-08-18 [The Black Goat]: still here :)
2015-08-25 [Lirerial]: I'm still here...
2015-08-28 [ancienteye]: Sorry everybody! School started and my mom has medical stuff, so I probably won't be online daily for a while. I'll make an effort to be on more often, though!
2015-08-28 [~Valkyrie~]: Nothing serious, I hope? I hope she gets better quickly.
2015-08-28 [ancienteye]: It's chronic medical stuff. Just a little worse than usual, lately.
2015-08-28 [~Valkyrie~]: Chronic sucks, I've got some chronic pain that still isn't diagnosed. I hope she starts feeling better.
2015-08-28 [ancienteye]: I hope so, too.
2015-11-08 [Figgy]: I'm just poking at things and ideas guys. Would you guys honestly be interested in the RP still if it was moved to a more publicly accessible forum? I feel as though ElfTown is a little too dead for our RP and I know a lot of people that might possibly be interested in joining it if it was more accessible.
2015-11-08 [Ms. Steel]: I like that idea.
2015-11-08 [ancienteye]: What forum do you have in mind?
2015-11-08 [~Valkyrie~]: I second Ancient's question.
2015-11-08 [Figgy]: I haven't looked just yet since I didn't know if it was worth the time. But I can do some research and get back to you guys.
2015-11-08 [~Valkyrie~]: I do want to keep playing, but my only concern is remembering to log on to another site. But I completely understand the inaccesability of ET, I have a friend who tried to create an account a couple months ago and never got an email back
2015-11-08 [Figgy]: Yeah, and I fear that with XMRP being dead for so long now, it's gonna be hard to get people back into it. And I'd like to garner some new players, if possible.
If I do move it to a forum, I'll definitely try to send out periodic reminders that we're on a new site.
2015-11-09 [~Valkyrie~]: I've never role played on a forum so it would definitely take some figuring out for me
2015-11-11 [twitchboy]: yay new site!!! character xfers?
2015-11-11 [Figgy]: Definitely. It'll start off after the time skip if I do decide to move it, which I've all but done.
2015-11-19 [Flisky]: I'm all for this. (Sorry, out of town and school is kicking my ass.)
2015-11-19 [Figgy]: Ok guys, so ElfTown is a really shitty means of communicating for us all, I feel. So if you guys would like, we can set up a Skype chat group or a Google Hangouts group. I'm always on Hangouts, so if everyone has a Gmail, that would be easier.
My Gmail is tiffeno@gmail.
2015-11-19 [Ms. Steel]: I vote hangouts!! the.sullen.lil
2015-11-19 [ancienteye]: My email is Yahoo. >_>
2015-11-20 [Figgy]: Ancient, Gmail is free to sign up for :o you could just make a bogus account to host yourself in the Hangouts (though I guarantee you'll end up wanting to switch ;P)
2015-11-20 [ancienteye]: Free? Ok, I'll go for it. :P
2015-11-21 [twitchboy]: wait so a third hangout for me?
2015-11-21 [Figgy]: One just between the XMRP people.
2015-11-22 [Flisky]: Ewww...hangout
2015-11-22 [Ms. Steel]: Well, what are the pros and cons to each? Both are 'free'. I already have a gmail account. Is there a non-facetime option akin to Hangouts on Skype? Or is it just a video service? 'Cause I can't do video or voice chat.
2015-11-22 [Figgy]: Skype can be used for just chat. I have a few people who have added me on Hangouts already, though, and I check it constantly. But if you guys prefer Skype, that's fine too.
2015-11-23 [Flisky]: Skype works on my phone and I don't always have 'net access with my computer.
2015-11-23 [The Black Goat]: Hangouts has a phone app too, I find it much easier to use than Skype
2015-11-25 [Figgy]: Yeah, Hangouts is much more reliable for me than Skype, honestly.
2017-07-12 [CountDesio]: I noticed that the last comments posted in here date back two years. I was wondering, before I continued, is this rp still active?
2017-07-12 [~Valkyrie~]: I believe it was moved to a different site
2017-07-12 [Asdroth]: It was.
2017-07-13 [Asdroth]: No clue. I was not terably intrested at the time, but Val said it may not have made it on the next site.
2017-07-15 [Ms. Steel]: There was a Google hangout created for interested parties, and a forum-style website followed, but nothing has happened otherwise.
2017-07-21 [The Black Goat]: aww
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